Case Study: How AVON empowered home workers with video selfies at hybrid event

Italian cosmetics giant used UGC videos for corporate event videos
Over 2000
video selfies
250+ locations
across Italy
Video form


Hybrid event videos

Client: beon. Worldwide Roma
Project: AVON Italia Evolution Convention 2021
Type: Event participation
Summary: AVON Italy needed a way to collect corporate event videos from thousands of home worker sales agents for use in its hybrid annual convention 

Empowering home work part time

Founded in 1886 by David H. McConnell in New York city, Avon has grown to become one of the largest beauty companies in the world. The company believes in creating flexible opportunities for anyone to earn and learn. Its independent representatives provide millions of customers worldwide with trusted, personal beauty advice and products to help them express their individuality.  Avon Italy is one of the largest markets outside the United States. 

The Challenge - Corporate event videos from remote workers

In June 2021 Avon Italy had a problem. COVID restrictions were still in place and threatened the success of its flagship annual convention, that was crucial for honouring, training and recognising its army of independent sales representatives. the company took the decision to host a hybrid event, with limited numbers of delegates joining the event live, but the bulk watching and participating from home.
The event producer, beon. Worldwide searched worldwide to find a video submission management platform that could accept all the video questions, video tutorials and video selfies that it anticipated.

The Solution - Collect video selfies from all across Italy for hybrid event

beon. Worldwide's Rome bureau selected Vloggi to power the entire audience participation video segment of the 8-hour event. Links were customised into Italian easily by the event team and multiple projects created, for beauty tutorials, questions and the ground-breaking Video Selfie that saw over 2,000 sales agents all waving from their home offices to the crowd watching the convention. The Vloggi system watermarked each clip with the AVON logo and categorised each clip by representative name and sales region.

Vl-oggi - Multilingual video form available in Italian for Remote work part time agents

One of the defining features of Vloggi is its fully customizable video forms. For this project, Vloggi's first it Italy, the entire video form waa written in Italian, from project rules to upload guidelines to assist the remote work part time agents, whose level of English is often not as high as those who work in office jobs in Italy. The development team created fully dynamic labels that switched from English to Italian and invented a new term: "Vl-oggi" or "Video logs today!"

The Result - A record-breaking 2,000 video selfies used as corporate event videos

AVON Italy collected almost 2,000 video submissions from sales representatives in the course of a two-day window prior to the conference starting. The videos were downloaded in bulk by the event producers and turned into a video selfie that cascaded down from the event ceiling during the show. The team also collected over 1000 delegate questions that were used during the programming and over 50 beauty tips from representatives that were also used during the product demonstration phase.
"We needed a way to include all the sales agents across Italy in our hybrid convention and we found no other solution in the world that could do what Vloggi did so easily."
Martina Ferri
Event Account Manager, beon. Worldwide

Collect Video Selfies For Your Event Like AVON Or See How Others Are Using Vloggi