Case Study: Chef Nick DiGiovanni

How YouTube culinary vlogger Nick DiGiovanni boosted audience interaction by using hundreds of viewer-submitted videos
10min view time
92% of viewers watched to end
450 clips
submitted in just 7 days
gained from campaign


Client: Nick DiGiovanni
Project: Celebrating reaching 10 million YouTube Subscribers
Type: Audience engagement
Summary: When culinary YouTuber Nick DiGiovanni (aka Chef Nick) broke a Guinness World Record for the largest beef wellington, he gathered celebratory videos from his 10 million subscribers on YouTube, to feature in the video. 


Celebrity Chef With Over 25 Million Followers On Social Media

Nick DiGiovanni is an US celebrity chef, internet personality, and entertainer. As of March 2023, DiGiovanni has over 25 million followers across his social media accounts, including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.

His channel, Anyone Can Cook, focuses on easy recipes that anyone can reproduce at home. 

In June 2023 DiGiovanni released his debut cookbook, Knife Drop, which entered the  New York Times Bestsellers list at Nº1 and remained on the list for five consecutive weeks.

The Challenge - How To Quickly And Legally Gather Channel Follower Videos

Nick DiGiovanni set his sights on a monumental challenge: celebrating a Guinness World Record for the largest Beef Wellington, in collaboration with renowned TV chef Gordon Ramsay. His ambitious plan involved gathering videos from his audience to create a buzzworthy compilation. However, his production team faced a legal and logistical quandary. Downloading clips directly from YouTube could infringe on copyright laws, and they couldn't resort to social media solicitation due to the need for secrecy. The task was to source viewer-generated content without violating any regulations or spoiling the surprise

The Solution - Collect Videos From Viewers Using Call Out In Video Description

To source video clips from across the world easily, quickly and legally, Nick DiGiovanni's production team turned to Vloggi, the premier video submission management platform. Using the platform they collected almost 500 video clips from fans and followers including Mr Beast. Vloggi allowed them to navigate the legal and logistical hurdles. By generating a unique link and sharing it in a video description on his channel, Nick provided an easy pathway for his viewers to upload their video clips in any format. This approach not only streamlined the submission process but also allowed contributors to transfer copyright ownership directly to Nick's production company, ensuring all legal bases were covered. The production team was then able to download the necessary clips, all standardized in format, facilitating a seamless integration into the final celebratory video.

The Result - Over 500 Clips From Viewers Received In One Week, Many Featured On His Channel

The outcome of leveraging Vloggi for Nick DiGiovanni's innovative campaign was remarkable. The unique submission link drew an overwhelming response, with nearly 500 video clips pouring in from fans, followers, and even other high-profile YouTubers like MrBeast. This approach not only enhanced the content of their celebratory episode but also proved to be a powerful tool for audience engagement. The campaign captured subscriber email addresses, significantly expanded the subscriber base by 350,000, and notably increased the average view time to 10 minutes for that particular episode. By strategically saving the audience videos for the episode's finale, they successfully kept viewers hooked throughout, enhancing both reach and retention.

See how others are using Vloggi to collect user generated videos like Nick DiGiovanni