Vloggi makes it easy to collect UGC video submissions at scale

Vloggi’s video submission management platform has a range of tools to make it easy, fun and rewarding for your contributors to share their video footage or feedback with you

Vloggi has tools to make it easy to collect video submissions

Tools to collect video submissions

Vloggi has a range of video collection
tools suited to your next campaign

Vloggi's video resizer allows you to accept videos in any format

Video Enhancer

High Quality Video shared from any device

Accept video from any device, in any size and any format. With Vloggi’s audiovisual enhancer, you’ll make it easy for contributors to share and easy for your video editors to compile high quality footage

Video Consent

All video submissions come with guaranteed re-use permissions

All videos submitted to you via Vloggi come with digital consent agreements, ensuring you have the rights to use and distribute the video content legally

Video consent managed by the blockchain by Vloggi
Easy share links and QR codes with Vloggi

Video Upload Links

Fun and easy for anyone to upload

Incentivize your audience with a fun and simple upload process, encouraging more contributions and higher engagement.

UGC Video Collection in Stats

Businesses require around 500x more video than they have today to train generative AI models and to produce enough content for marketing. Vloggi provides you with the tools to build your UGV video library effortlessly.


To create just one second of generative AI video, models typically need around 1,000 pieces of unique footage


It takes an average of only 15 seconds for a contributor to upload a video using Vloggi's intuitive video collection tools


Contributors are 7 times more likely to upload a video compared to completing a text survey, making video collection a highly effective engagement strategy


The average cost of collecting user-generated video content is just 10 cents per video, providing a cost-effective way to gather valuable insights and content

Why your Business needs UGC video

Fight Against Deep Fakes

Showcase authentic user-generated videos to combat consumer distrust of AI-generated video and ensure content integrity

Train Your Own ML Models

Use genuine video content of your products to train your generative AI models, enhancing accuracy and reliability

Ensure Content Traceability

Establish clear ownership and veracity of your video content, providing undeniable proof if challenged

Many Inputs, One UGC video library

No matter the source of video, be it single video uploads, video surveys, video questionnaires or via API feed, all your footage is securely stored in your cloud library 

Vloggi has cloud-based video content management system CMS built in

Vloggi helps organizations build and manage video libraries
