Media release: Video disruptor Vloggi signs MYOB, inks first app store integration

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Semrush Video Collector app

User-generated video startup Vloggi announces six new clients on the corporate tier of its crowdsourcing platform as embarks on vertical  distribution via app stores

  • MYOB among six blue chip companies using Vloggi for internal communications
  • Short form video messaging for internal business use a new focus
  • First third party integration for Vloggi’s video collection technology inked with global app store
  • New pricing strategy aligned to features value mapping strategy


Vloggi’s Corporate tier, at US$399 per month was launched at the end of August, with advanced collaboration features for larger business. At the same time, Vloggi’s other tiers, from free (Casual) through US$39 (Collector) and US$99 (Community) were reconfigured following extensive market analysis and customer usage monitoring. Justin Wastnage, founder and CEO of Vloggi explained the pricing change:


“Vloggi has three core functions; the collection of video from thousands of contributors, the cataloging of these video clips and the combining of those clips into professional videos without video editing tools. We noticed that many smaller clients preferred to download clean videos and use external tools, because the number of clips was manageable. However, as the size of the projects got larger, the need for content management tools became more apparent. Finally, organisations with multiple projects and multiple team members interacting with our platform led to the need to apply video templates and branding at a corporate level, so that teams could output video compilations at scale”.


Accounting software giant MYOB is among the major Australian organisations signing up for the corporate tier. The company uses Vloggi to replace sales update meetings and other internal communications uses. MYOB is joined by Hamilton the Musical Australia, which uses Vloggi for community engagement activations; and the University of Technology Sydney, which is deploying Vloggi as a student engagement tool across its multiple campuses. Three additional international companies have also signed up to the Corporate. A large multinational direct sale cosmetic company is using Vloggi for virtual sales conferences in its Italian arm, a Switzerland-based multinational is conducting internal focus groups using the Vloggi system to collect videos, and a New York-based sales training organisation is using Vloggi to power its remote team training sessions.

MYOB uses Vloggi to power hackathon

Abbi Jones from MYOB uses Vloggi’s asynchronous video messages[/caption]

 “Our technology roadmap still has some way to go until we can satisfy true enterprise application software needs, but the market validation that these clients bring for our Corporate tier proves that we are on the right track in moving the average transactional value up higher through the features mapping process,” said Wastnage.



Some features have been moved from the lower tiers and consolidated in the US$99 Community and US$399 Corporate tiers. Vloggi has also signed a deal with a global digital marketing platform to create a version of its video collection tool. The digital marketplace is a curated collection of apps, each one is designed to address a specific marketing need. The mini app to be developed by Vloggi for the digital marketplace fills a unique place in the marketing ecosystem, where currently there are few tools for marketers to collect video testimonials, video reviews or other video marketing content from a brand’s customers. The development of lightweight versions of the platform’s core components is part of the startup’s go-to-market strategy for attacking verticals. In addition to this first vertical app store, Vloggi has been accepted into a hotel review site’s digital marketplace and is working with a major global software house to place video collection at the heart of office productivity suites.


“Our core platform is a horizontal tool. The way we are attacking every industry vertical is not through bespoke features, but rather by identifying existing distribution and marketing channels offered by the proliferation of app stores today,” said Wastnage. “Where Vloggi comes in is providing a tool that easily allows businesses to generate links for cloud-based video uploads to collect user-generated video at scale. Today marketers wanting user-generated video have to scrape public social media channels, which is costly, complex and risks copyright infringement. With our tool, marketers know that all video has explicit consent, remains private to the organisation and is consistently formatted no matter what device, orientation or resolution it was shot on.” said Wastnage.


Vloggi made its first distributed app in 2019 with the launch of Vloggi Create on the Apple App Store, which amassed over 7,000 active users before being discontinued in 2020 during the early days of the COVID pandemic.


“What we learnt from that was we could make the world’s best video capture app, but without business users, our monetisation base was small. Through the work in business planning that the team, along with our new CFO, has done during this COVID shutdown in Australia, we have identified not only many more lucrative business goals for growth, but identified clear partnership pathways to reach them,” Wastnage added.

Vloggi recorded over 400% increase in traffic to its site in the three months to August 2021, largely credited to a content marketing and search engine optimisation strategy implemented from June.  The company is raising money in a  seed round largely dedicated to customer acquisition and customer-led product development.   /ENDS


About Vloggi  


Founded in late 2018, Sydney tech startup Vloggi is the world’s first collaborative video production platform using rules to process, sort and annotate user-generated video for use by businesses and social groups. It is a registered trademark of parent company, tech investment vehicle Ciné Souk, founded in 2017.

The company was founded by Justin Wastnage, a former director of the Tourism & Transport Forum, and founder of the Flight TV aviation video channel. Wastnage started his career with interactive digital television pioneer Static 2358 (later PlayJam) before creating video content for Microsoft. The company also includes CTO Jérémy Giraudet, who has worked on three successful startups, Tarryn Myburgh, a former network television producer and David Taylor-Smith, who has growth marketed six startups to over $10,000 monthly recurring revenue.

Vloggi employs six staff, and is based out of the Fishburners coworking space within the Sydney Startup Hub (SSH).


Media enquiries

David Binning, Brand Comms Bureau
[email protected] / +61 406 397 033

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