5 Video Marketing Tips To Boost Your Exposure

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With Instagram Stories, TikTok, and, of course, YouTube, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t double down on your video marketing efforts today.


This article will give you 5 Video Marketing Tips To Boost Your Exposure, helping your business stay relevant in 2021 and beyond. Stay tuned.


Tip #1: Create Video Content On A Regular Basis


Before even pressing the record button, you need to do one thing first – create a schedule.


Crating a video posting schedule, you can stick to is hugely important. It will let your viewers and potential customers know when they can expect your next video, which will make them want to come back to your channels for more.


To create even more hype, you can even announce video premieres on your social media too, and use Instagram Stories and TikTok to give teasers. But, make sure those are scheduled too, as you want to release videos at consistent times.


Therefore, if you can only produce one weekly video, pick one day and hour when you release it, preferably at a time when you know your audience is going to see it. Even if it’s one per week, make it count by sticking to your posting schedule.


Tip #2: Think Long Term


Creating evergreen content is a well-known digital marketing strategy that is especially important in video marketing. Producing quality videos is quite costly and takes a lot of time, which is why you should focus on creating content you can later reuse.


Although costly, videos allow you to reuse them easily. You can turn longer videos into shorter teasers you can use for YouTube Shorts, TikTok, Instagram Stories, and even ads. You can put longer content on your YouTube channel, but also Facebook, LinkedIn, and your website.


And whenever a new opportunity arises, you can reshare your older evergreen videos on social media – they will always stay relevant.

For example, if someone asks a question, you can send a link leading them directly to the part of your video tutorial where you shoved how to solve the exact problem, making them want to subscribe to the channel for more.


Tip #3: Interact With Your Audience


Videos allow you to create a much more personal bond with your audience in contrast to some other forms of digital marketing, such as blogs. Here, people get to see your face and hear your voice, which will allow them to get to know you better as a person.


But, if you want to take this even further, you can go live on Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, or YouTube. There, people will ask questions you will respond to in real-time, showcasing your expertise.


If you don’t like doing live videos, you can create an Instagram post, telling your followers to ask questions in the comments you will respond to in the video later.



Tip #4: Let Your Audience Create User-Generated Content


Letting your audience create UGC is a great way to keep them engaged and make your brand stand out from competitors.


Showcasing video testimonials, but also creating contests for most creative videos, or creating communities and posting video messages made by your users on your site and social media will make your company much more humane. Your brand will feel warmer, closer to the customers, creating personal connections and showing that you care about people, not just their money.


Tip #5: Show Brand Consistency


All of the video material you create should maintain consistent standards, showing your company and brand in the best way possible. Consistency is key here.


That means you should maintain a consistent video and audio quality but also keep the same intros in your videos, use the same effects, etc. Also, make sure your thumbnails are spot-on, as they often decide if the person will click on the video or not. The same goes for the video title and description.


It’s also important to note that videos are great for SEO too. Ensure to include relevant keywords in tags and do a good job with closed captioning. That will help your videos and your brand show high up in the search results.


Wrapping Up


If you are not promoting your business via videos, you are missing out on a lot, letting your competition get ahead. Video marketing is not the future – it’s already here and the go-to form of digital marketing in 2021.


Therefore, don’t wait. Implement at least some of the 5 Video Marketing Tips To Boost Your Exposure from this article, and don’t forget to remind your viewers to like, comment, and subscribe for more! 🙂

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