Why you should be requesting customer video rather than repurposing social media

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In today’s social media-centered world, it’s easy to assume that repurposing content from platforms like Instagram and Facebook is the best way to connect with customers. However, requesting videos directly from customers can actually be more effective, cheaper, and more authentic. First of all, request videos are more likely to be watched than repurposed videos because they are tailored specifically to the customer. Secondly, request videos are usually shorter and more to the point than repurposed videos, making them less expensive to produce. Finally, request videos feel more personal and genuine because they feature real people talking about their real experiences. In an increasingly competitive market, companies that invest in request videos will have a significant advantage.

  1. What is UGC and why is it so important for brands

User-generated content (UGC) is any type of content that has been created and published by someone other than the brand or company. This can include everything from videos and photos to blog posts and reviews. While UGC can be a great way for brands to connect with their audience, it also has the potential to do serious damage if not managed carefully. In today’s social media-driven world, UGC can quickly go viral, resulting in a wave of negative publicity for the brand. Additionally, user-generated videos are often more relatable and authentic than traditional advertising, making them more effective at driving sales. As a result, brands need to be careful about the UGC they promote and be sure to monitor user-generated content closely. When done correctly, UGC can be an extremely powerful tool for brands. However, when mishandled, it can do serious damage to a brand’s reputation.

Repurposing social media is a big chore. You have to find a hashtag that no-one is using, set up and market a competition page, monitor the entries and then somehow download the content. And that’s before you chase consent, reformat the images and put in your branding.  

There has to be a better way. There is. Directly requesting videos from your brand advocates ensure not only authenticity, but a much broader reach. Plus with video contest platforms out there to handle consent and formatting, you never have to worry about legal issues again.  

2. The difference between repurposing and requesting for UGC

There’s a big difference between requesting user-generated content (UGC) and repurposing it. requesting UGC usually refers to conducting a video contest or asking customers to submit reviews or photos that can be used on your website or social media channels. On the other hand, repurposing UGC means taking someone else’s content and using it in your own marketing materials.  

Both requesting and repurposing UGC can be effective ways to engage with your audience and generate customer advocacy. However, it’s important to understand the difference between the two so that you can choose the right approach for your needs. If you’re looking for fresh, original content, requesting UGC is the way to go. But if you want to save time and resources, repurposing UGC may be a better option.

Repurposing is the process of taking existing content and using it in a new way. This could involve changing the format of the content, or simply using it in a new context. For example, a blog post could be repurposed as an infographic, or a series of tweets could be compiled into an article. Requesting UGC, on the other hand, is explicitly asking users to create new content. This is often done as part of a contest or promotion, but it can also be part of a customer advocacy or engagement strategy. By requesting UGC, brands can tap into the creativity of their fans and followers, and generate fresh content at the same time.

3. How to request UGC from your customers

requesting user-generated videos from your customers is a great way to increase customer engagement and advocacy. A video contest is a great way to get customers involved and requesting user-generated videos helps to create a sense of community and ownership. Furthermore, requesting user-generated videos also allows you to collect valuable customer feedback that can be used to improve your product or service. When requesting user-generated videos from your customers, be sure to clearly state the contest rules and prize details. This will help to ensure that only quality videos are submitted and that the contest is fair for all participants. Finally, make sure to promote the contest widely so that as many customers as possible have the chance to participate. By following these simple tips, you can requesting user-generated videos from your customers in a way that is both effective and fun.

There are a number of ways to request user-generated video from your customers. One option is to run a video contest. This can be an effective way to engage customers and increase brand awareness. Another option is to request customer advocacy videos. This can be done by asking customers to record a short video testimonial or review. These videos can help build trust and credibility with potential customers. Finally, you can use social media platforms to request user-generated video. This can be done by posting a call-to-action on your company’s social media channels, or by using hashtags to encourage customers to submit their own videos. No matter which method you choose, requesting user-generated video is a great way to increase customer engagement and build brand awareness.

4. Examples of brands that are killing it with UGC

There are a number of brands that are doing a great job with video contests. A key element of their success is requesting video content from customers. This helps to increase customer advocacy and engagement. And, of course, it also means that they have a ready supply of great video content to use in their marketing initiatives. Some of the brands that are really killing it with video contests include GoPro, T-Mobile, and Virgin Mobile USA. Each of these companies has been able to use video contests to generate a ton of excitement and engagement. And, most importantly, they’ve been able to use the videos they’ve received to create some truly incredible marketing campaigns.

requesting user-generated content in the form of a video contest is a great way to increase customer engagement and advocacy. Not only does it give your customers a chance to show off their creativity, but it also helps to build a sense of community around your brand. Some brands that are doing an excellent job with video contests include GoPro, Nikon, and Canon. All of these companies regularly host contest requesting videos that showcase their products in action. The winners of these contests receive prizes that range from free products to cash prizes. As a result, not only are these companies able to increase customer engagement, but they’re also able to generate a ton of user-generated content that can be used in future marketing campaigns.

5. The benefits of using UGC over other forms of content marketing

There are many benefits to requesting a video contest over other forms of content marketing. First, video contests are an excellent way to get customers involved and engaged with your brand. Second, video contests help create customer Advocates who can speak positively about your products or services. Third, video contests are a great way to generate fresh and original content. Finally, video contests can be a great marketing tool, helping to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience. Overall, video contests offer a number of advantages and should be seriously considered as part of any content marketing strategy.

There are many benefits to requesting a video contest over other forms of content marketing. First, video contests are an excellent way to get customers involved and engaged with your brand. Second, video contests help create customer Advocates who can speak positively about your products or services. Third, video contests are a great way to generate fresh and original content. Finally, video contests can be a great marketing tool, helping to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience. Overall, video contests offer a number of advantages and should be seriously considered as part of any content marketing strategy.

6. How to get started with requesting for UGC from your customers

requesting video from your customers is easier than you think. You can start by hosting a video contest. This is a great way to engage your customers and get them talking about your brand. You can also request videos as part of a customer advocacy program. This is an excellent way to get positive reviews and testimonials that you can use in your marketing campaigns. Finally, you can simply ask your customers to submit videos about their experience with your product or service. This is a great way to get honest feedback and create user-generated content that you can use on your website or social media channels.

When it comes to requesting video from your customers, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to make sure that your video request is clear and concise. Customers should understand exactly what you’re asking for, and why you’re requesting it. Secondly, you may want to consider running a video contest. This can be a great way to engage your customers and get them excited about creating videos for your brand. Finally, don’t forget about customer advocacy. Getting customers involved in creating and sharing videos is a great way to create positive buzz for your brand. These are just a few things to keep in mind when requesting video from your customers. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to creating great video content that will helpengage and connect with your audience.

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