The simple sum behind endless customer video for content marketing

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The amazing maths behind endless customer video

As any marketer knows, video content marketing can be a powerful tool for growing your customer base and keeping existing customers engaged. But creating enough content to keep up with the demands of an ever-evolving platform can be overwhelming, especially when your budget and time is limited. One of the main sources of frustration is the lack of specific footage of your brands’ products. So you end up with generic stock footage of someone else’s product.

However, there’s no need to feel lost in a sea of uncertainty customer video marketing could just be the solution you’ve been looking for! With inexpensive video production software now available on every desktop and cell phone, producing professional videos has never been easy.

But how should you go about getting the B-roll to begin with? The answer is to harness the power of the crowd. There is one simple piece of arithmetic that proves that any brand can harness almost endless supply of authentic video shot by their customers. In this blog post we’ll explore the simple sum behind effectively leveraging customer videos for content marketing success; so don’t miss out on what could possibly be one of your most effective tactics yet!

Why use customer video in marketing?

The use of customer video has become a powerful tool in modern marketing strategies. Through videos, brands have the ability to showcase their products in a more engaging and dynamic way, while also leveraging the added authenticity that comes with user-generated content.

Utilizing customer video content can also help businesses build stronger connections with their audience by showcasing relatable experiences and narratives. In a world that is becoming increasingly visual, videos offer a unique opportunity to capture attention and provide a more immersive experience for the viewer.

By incorporating customer video into marketing campaigns, brands can tap into the power of storytelling and create a more meaningful dialogue with their customers. This approach not only provides a more authentic perspective on the brand, but it can also lead to increased engagement and higher conversion rates. In short, the power of customer video in marketing cannot be underestimated.

When it comes to customer engagement, using customers own videos in marketing has become an increasingly popular tool for businesses. The main use case for customer-generated video is to enhance customer experience and build stronger relationships by creating personalized, interactive, and engaging content that resonates with customers.

By using customer-supplied video, businesses can also learn from their customers. So it’s a two-way engagement channel.

The four main uses of customer-supplied video in marketing

  1. Video feedback

    In today’s era of social media and easy access to online platforms, more and more customers are turning to user-generated video feedback to share their experiences with brands. This type of feedback not only allows customers to express their opinions in an engaging and visually appealing way, but it also provides companies with valuable insights into their products and services.

    However, as well as public forums, brands are also increasingly incorporating private video feedback services like Vloggi into their customer engagement. As an authoritative voice, it is important to understand the significance of user-generated feedback, as it has the potential to make or break a brand’s reputation. By actively engaging with customer feedback, companies can demonstrate their commitment to providing exceptional customer service and build a loyal fanbase.

  2. Video testimonials

    educate and inform customers about their products, services, and brand, answer frequently asked questions, provide customer support, showcase testimonials and case studies, or even promote events and offers. With the rise of social media platforms and digital marketing channels, video has become a powerful way to cut through the noise and stand out in a crowded marketplace. In short, incorporating customer video into your marketing strategy is a smart move that can pay off in the long run by boosting customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.


Let’s look at the maths


Number of customers per month



Customers per week Locations Per year Videos
Cafe 1000 1 52000 260
Small retail chain 700 72 2620800 13104
Gym 500 45 1170000 5850
eCommerce 2000 1 104000 520


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