Why Employee-Generated Training Videos are the Future of Corporate Learning

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In today’s ever-changing world, companies must stay ahead of the curve when it comes to corporate learning and development. One way to do this is by using employee-generated training videos. By leveraging their own employees as content creators and trainers, companies can boost engagement, create a more collaborative environment, and provide personalized training experiences for all employees.


The Benefits of employee video
Employee-generated training videos offer a variety of benefits that traditional methods cannot match. For starters, they provide an engaging atmosphere for learning one that encourages collaboration and creativity among coworkers. Additionally, since everyone in the company has a unique set of skills, knowledge, and experience, they can bring different perspectives to their team’s training videos which can be invaluable in helping other employees understand complex concepts more quickly and easily.

In addition to encouraging collaboration among coworkers, employee-generated training videos also make it easier for companies to customize their educational programs. Instead of relying on off-the-shelf solutions that may not be tailored for your specific needs or goals, you can create custom video content that is specifically designed with your team’s needs in mind. This ensures that every employee receives the information they need in order to succeed.

Finally, employee-generated training videos are cost effective compared to other forms of corporate learning and development such as hiring external trainers or purchasing expensive software solutions. With employee-generated content, there is no need to spend money on outside resources everything you need is already within your organization. This makes it easy to scale up or down depending on your budget constraints or organizational goals.
Overall, employee-generated training videos offer a great way for companies to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to corporate learning and development while saving money at the same time. By leveraging their own employees as content creators and trainers, organizations can foster collaboration among coworkers while providing customized educational experiences tailored specifically for their team’s needs. For any head of internal communications looking for innovative ways to train their employees effectively and efficiently without breaking the bank look no further than employee-generated training videos!


Millennial workers are changing the way organizations think about employee training. Gone are the days when businesses could rely on outdated or generic training videos to engage their employees. Today, companies need to develop content with a focus on engagement and authenticity in order to successfully reach their millennial worker demographic. Video is a great way to do this, but it can be difficult for businesses to source high-quality video footage from their employees. To overcome this challenge, many companies are turning to Vloggi an innovative platform that allows businesses to gather user-generated video from their suppliers or employees, and stitch them together into cohesive onboarding videos, training videos and more.

Vloggi’s easy-to-use platform can help organizations create powerful video content that speaks directly to millennial workers. By sourcing footage from real users who work within the company, organizations can capture a more authentic view of their operations and culture something that resonates deeply with millennials who value transparency and honesty in the workplace. What’s more, user-generated video is often far cheaper than traditional corporate production costs, making it an attractive option for smaller businesses seeking to engage with younger workers without breaking the bank.

User-generated videos also have higher engagement rates than traditional corporate videos because they feel more direct and personal. Studies show that millennials prefer content that focuses on story telling (rather than sales) and Vloggi helps companies create this kind of engaging narrative by gathering multiple perspectives into one cohesive video package. With Vloggi’s platform, companies can quickly gather relevant footage from across different locations or departments and spin it into something truly unique; effectively creating an “inside look” at the company’s operations which resonates strongly with younger viewers.

Overall, using Vloggi’s platform is an effective way for organizations of any size to create engaging training videos that speak directly to millennial workers while also saving time and money in the process. By tapping into user-generated footage, companies can create genuine, heartfelt content that resonates deeply with their younger audience all without breaking the bank!


Employee-generated training videos are what companies need to engage millennial workers. In today’s ever-evolving digital economy, video is becoming an increasingly important part of business operations as it is a powerful tool for employee engagement and helps ensure effective onboarding processes. Employees with smartphones can now help to create video content that is more up-to-date and relevant than generic “how-tos” or static eLearning modules.

This kind of ‘on the ground’ video footage comes with the added bonus of authenticity which millennials look for in content. By creating engaging and accessible training videos, businesses can benefit from improved communication and collaboration across teams. Videos have been proven to increase employee engagement, motivation and performance key metrics for any organization looking to stay competitive in today’s market.

In addition, using video to onboard new team members can help speed up the learning process and make it easier for them to grasp complex concepts quickly. Training videos created by existing employees provide new starters with guidance on how best to work within their company culture as well as offer helpful tips on how they fit into the team.

employee video testimonials

Vloggi enables organizations to source quality video footage from their stakeholders and employees, allowing them to quickly stitch together onboarding videos, training videos, product demos and more that are aimed at a younger demographic. This makes it easier for companies to capture user feedback in real time without having to rely on external providers or take time away from other tasks.

It’s clear that employee-generated training videos are an invaluable asset for any organization looking to effectively engage millennials through technology. They provide companies with an efficient way of connecting with their people while also delivering insights into trends and ideas like never before – making them a winning combination for any company hoping to stay ahead of the curve!


Companies are increasingly trying to find ways to engage younger generations in the workplace, especially when it comes to training. Millennials have grown up with technology, so they expect a different level of engagement that traditional methods cannot provide. Employee-generated training videos are the perfect way for companies to engage this demographic and keep them interested in the material.

Why is employee branding important?

Employee-generated videos are more relatable than traditional training materials, as they come from people who understand their own job roles and can explain concepts in an engaging manner. This is especially important for millennial workers, who appreciate authenticity and want to be connected with the content they are consuming. Additionally, employee-generated videos allow companies to ensure that the content is relevant and up-to-date.

Video communication has been proven to make employees feel more engaged in their work and increase productivity. Mobile communication is also essential for a company’s operations as it provides quick access to information regardless of location, which helps employees keep up in our fast-paced world. Vloggi makes it easy for organizations to source video footage from their suppliers or employees and stitch together onboarding videos, training videos and more that target the younger demographic.

The use of employee-generated training videos also allows companies to save time on creating materials as well as having staff available for lectures or presentations. If a concept needs further explanation, employees can record their own supplemental video instead of spending time developing slides or other materials. This method also allows companies to save money while still providing quality training materials that effectively reach their target audience of millennials.

Overall, employee-generated training videos are what companies need in order engage millennial workers by providing them with meaningful content that is relevant and up-to-date while saving time and money on production costs. With Vloggi’s easy platform for sourcing video footage from suppliers or employees alike, businesses can create engaging onboarding or training experiences tailored specifically for this demographic with minimal effort.

employee branding examples

employee spotlight video

What is an employee-generated training video?
What are the benefits of employee-generated training videos?
How do you make an employee-generated training video?
What are some tips for making a great employee-generated training video?
How do you promote employee-generated training videos?
What are some examples of employee-generated training videos?

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