Get Citizen Engagement In Their Own Words With Video Submissions

Are you a government agency committed to fostering a meaningful and secure connection with your citizens?

Vloggi empowers you to harness the full potential of video submissions, ensuring a private, secure, and data-rich environment for your citizen engagement initiatives.

Government feedback

The Benefits Of Citizen Video Submissions

In the age of inclusion, diversity matters. Video questions give your event broader demographics.  

At Vloggi, we understand the power of video in capturing the essence and energy of events.

By including video questions in your event content programming, you allow those without a voice to participate. These could be minorities or simply those at home.

Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate video submissions into your pre-event marketing, giving you a rich bank of video assets to use in your event audiovisual programming.


Ensure the privacy and security of citizen-contributed video clips. With Vloggi, your data remains yours, safeguarded from external entities, providing a level of control that public platforms can't match.

Gain insights

Eliminate the risk of dead air during questions-from-the-audience segments by having a bank of pre-submitted video questions ready to go. This ensures a steady stream of engaging content for moderators to draw from, maintaining event momentum and energy.


Respond to citizens' preference for video interactions. Allow them to express their concerns, ideas, and feedback in a medium they are comfortable with, building a more inclusive comms strategy.


Create a more engaging and meaningful relationship with your constituents. Encourage citizens to share their stories, experiences, and concerns through video, fostering a deeper sense of connection and trust.

Why Use Vloggi For Citizen Engagement Videos?

Vloggi is a digital video submission platform that enables governments to collect, store and organize video feedback securely at massive scale.

It’s a simple tool to add video to your current engagement channels, with add-ons to analyze and categorize associated data, all in a secure cloud. 

Finalist - 2022 International Government Communications Forum Awards

Video submission platform Vloggi was a finalist in the Best Innovation in Government Communication category of the International Government Communications Award at a ceremony in Sharjah, UAE in September 2022. Vloggi was selected as one of three citizen engagement software finalists, alongside Belgium's CitizenLab and OpenDataSoft of France

Features Built For Government Video Submissions

Vloggi is the world leader in user-generated video submission management. Many of the features we’ve developed for external communications cross over into citizen engagement perfectly, so your citizens will love contributing via video instead of text-based forms.
Citizens can report back to you as a government

Video Is Key To The Digital Transformation Of Government Communications

Video will replace 75% of all paper documents within a decade*

Has your government embraced the digital transformation and started accepting video submissions?
Vloggi isn’t just another video platform; it’s your tool for transforming citizen engagement into a secure, data-rich, and citizen-centric journey:
*source: Future of Screens by 2030, Deloitte Centre for the Long View, Berlin 2021
Video feedback
Public Feedback
Enable citizens to submit video feedback on various civic projects, such as proposed infrastructure developments, urban planning or community improvements
Collect citizen video for crisis response
Crisis Response
Video submissions can be a powerful tool for citizens to report safety concerns or emergency situations, such as natural disasters or public safety incidents
Collect community stories from your citizens
Community Stories
Encourage citizens to share their unique stories and cultural experiences through video submissions such as personal narratives, local traditions or history

Join Leading Government Agencies Using Video Submissions In Their Citizen Engagement

Vloggi is trusted by government agencies that recognize the transformative power of secure and data-rich citizen engagement through video submissions. Join the ranks of innovative governments and enhance your engagement initiatives through digital tranformation
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Video Is The Preferred Medium Of Your Citizens

Case Studies Of Citizen Feedback Video Uses

Planning Feedback
Planning Feedback
Toronto City Government uses Vloggi to gather resident feedback on new urban initiatives in its downtown neighborhoods
Video Submissions
Video Submissions
The New South Wales Education Standards Authority uses Vloggi to gather student submissions from over 3,000 schools
Video Applications
Video Applications
The Government of Telangana, India, uses Vloggi for video applications from remote residents for its grant programs

Your citizen video submissions in 3 easy steps


1. Collect

Build a video upload page for your residents to submit video clips


2. Categorize

Tag, sort, and favorite the clips as they come in. Add to project folders.


3. Compile

Merge those clips you like into compilations, or use automations

Replace Feedback Forms With Narrated Video

Get Public Endorsement On Your Initiatives


Frequently asked questions

Some government agencies are more suited to video than others. For example, reporting back the condition of a playground or congestion can be captured well in video. Some citizens also want to send video messages about issues they really care about. Focus on these.
Each project owner can set their own content rules. No clips are published until the project owner moderates the content.
No. Your contributors acknowledge the transfer of their clip and IP rights to you for use in marketing upon upload. So no more chasing people down. You can even add a link to further T&Cs

Our pricing is based on three factors: number of users with an organziation, storage required of clips and building custom workflows for your organization. Our standard pricing is available on our pricing page. Most governmental clients opt for a custom build and a longer-term contract to off-set against operational expenditure budgets.

By default, all videos and end-user data is stored in our servers in Australia. However, as part of custom builds we can replicate or transfer all data storage to almost any location in the world to suit your requirement under your local laws.

Strategic partnership with 01gov for Citizen engagment

In 2022 Vloggi signed a strategic partnership with UAE-based govtech reseller and implementation specialist 01gov. For all citizen engagement deployments, we work together to scope out and deploy robust citizen engagement video software solutions

Add Video Submissions To Your Citizen Engagement channels