Unlock the Power of Employee-Generated Content Videos

Are you ready to revolutionize the way your company communicates, collaborates and connects?

Vloggi empowers you to harness the full potential of corporate user-generated video, transforming your organization’s interactions with customers and employees alike.

*Free trial then subscription to Community. For corporate tiers, see pricing

Vloggi powers employee-generated video

The benefits of employee-generated content video

In the digital age, authentic internal communication is paramount.

Employee-generated video is the art of harnessing your employees’ voices, experiences, and perspectives to create compelling visual content.

It’s your team members becoming the storytellers, sharing their insights, skills, and enthusiasm through video.

By embracing employee-generated video, you’re not just promoting your brand; you’re nurturing a culture of collaboration, authenticity, and innovation within your organization.


In an era of skepticism, genuine voices resonate the most. When your employees speak from the heart, it builds trust with your audience, whether they're customers, partners, or new talent.


Encouraging employees to contribute video content brings a variety of perspectives to the table. This diversity fosters innovation and addresses broader audiences.


Your team understands your company culture like no one else. Their stories and experiences help potential customers and recruits connect with your brand on a personal level.


Creating high-quality videos used to be expensive and time-consuming. With corporate user-generated video, you tap into an affordable and scalable resource – your own team.

Why use Vloggi for employee-generated video projects?

At Vloggi, we understand that in today’s dynamic business landscape, video is more than just a trend – it’s a necessity. Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate user-generated video clips into every aspect of your enterprise, providing you with a secure, private, and versatile video library of employee-sourced clips for you to compile for internal communications.
Vloggi is the world leader in user-generated video submission management. Many of the features we’ve developed for external communications cross over into internal communications perfectly, so you’ll love collecting and compiling employee videos.
Get video applications easily with Vloggi

Examples of Employee-Generated Content Videos

Video will replace 75% of all paper documents within a decade*.

Is your organization ready to make the change to video-first? Millennials already expect all information to be presented in video form. They also have the skills to shoot footage and create internal videos. 

Employee-generated video is the key to replacing every PDF in your office with social-media-style short-form videos that your employees will come to expect. 

Vloggi isn’t just another video platform; it’s a catalyst for innovation within your organization. 

Here are some examples of employee-generated content videos.

Collect staff video feedback easily with Vloggi
Video feedback

gather feedback from employees in a secure and private video survey, with questions you populate and monitor

Empower your staff with video reporting by Vloggi
Video reporting
In industries where visuals speak louder than words, Vloggi helps you create workplace video reports for better decision-making.
Video tutorials by Vloggi
Video tutorials
From workplace health and safety to sales tips, simplify training with instructional videos created by your staff for their teammates.
*source: Future of Screens by 2030, Deloitte Centre for the Long View, Berlin 2021

Join these innovative companies using Vloggi for employee videos

Vloggi is trusted by industry leaders who recognize the transformative power of employee video. 

Join the ranks of forward-thinking organizations and take your enterprise communication to the next level.

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Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
Brand Name : Brand Short Description Type Here.
work like never before video

Employee branding is the only branding that matters

Case Studies Of Employee Generated Video

Employee Recognition
Employee Recognition
Global training company Dale Carnegie uses Vloggi to gather employee success stories from across the US, Canada and Mexico.
Employee Branding
Employee Branding
The Italian division of the direct sales cosmetics giant AVON uses Vloggi to attract new talent by showcasing existing agents.
Brainstorming Sessions
Brainstorming Sessions
Australian business services software vendor MYOB uses Vloggi to conduct internal strategy sessions between its remote teams.

Start your employee-generated video project today


1. Collect

Create a video call-out and post a link or use on-screen QR code


2. Categorize

Tag, sort, and favorite the clips as they come in. Add to project folders.


3. Compile

Merge those clips you like into compilations, or download them

Analyze sentiment in a employee video

Analyze the sentiment of your people and culture via video

Automate your internal communications videos

Vloggi has workflows to automate video production

Add employee-generated video to your business

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to harness the full potential of video for your enterprise. Join the ranks of forward-thinking organizations that are revolutionizing the way they empower their employees.
Take the first step towards a more authentic, impactful, and connected future. Start creating, sharing, and collaborating with your team via video today.